Digital marketing includes

Digital marketing can be done both online and offline.

For instance you can find Facebook and Google yielding high revenue than the
any other traditional marketing company. Because they possess number of
customers . Hence digital marketing works out well.

We Mypluspoint are here to change your thoughts into actions. We are
providing the following categories in Digital Marketing.
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
 Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social Media Optimization (SMO)
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Marketing plays a lead role in the economy. The rise and fall of a product,
service, process, project, and concept rely on the marketing pitch besides
quality. Marketing strategies are learned as a skill and practiced as a
profession in the growing technological population.
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Social Media Marketing:
Do you want to reach your target audience in high numbers? Then you can
blindly choose this
Social Media Marketing for your business. This is a magical platform where you
can communicate with your shoppers. People are always available online. So
we can paste our brand product or service in their minds using these medias.
Medias like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are the places where we can all types
customers in crowd. So when we use this for marketing like posting our
products picture or website link , we can reach our target customers easily. And
we can have an account of how many members are following us. We Think
India technology knowing this pulse, we actively use strategies to promote your
business in social media websites. Advertising in this platform will gains you
more customers simultaneously increasing the profit of your business.
The following are the social media management services we are providing:
⦁ Branding
⦁ Phenomenal content
⦁ Photography and Videography
⦁ Copy writing
⦁ Paid ad strategy and Management
⦁ Community management
⦁ Scheduled posting

We use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Pinterest, Reddit for promoting our clients business. We will be calculating your
targeting audience and will use all sorts of techniques to do branding.
Nothing can be more time consuming and demanding than running a business
manually. Marketing in social media is no longer a requirement but an essential
element for your business. The biggest reason for the success of social media
marketing firms of all sorts is that they systemized all their tedious tasks
through software. Social media marketing takes a lot of time for content to be
created , posted, managed and accurately measured.

Social Media optimization:

Social media optimization is a process by utilizing a number of social media
sites and communities to increase awareness of the product, band or event.
The objective is to drive the traffic to your website. Social media optimization is
similar to search engine optimization.(SEO). With Socail media optimization
you can ensure the company’s strong web presence and build the brand’s
internet authority. It introduces people to the business and also promotes
marketing, increases awareness and retrieves them. Social media optimization
offers the possibility of reaching the niche public.
Social media optimization includes a number of outlets and collectivities using
advertising to raise the awareness of product, service brand or event. “liking
and commenting” on posts, retweeting, embedding, sharing and promoting
The purpose of optimization is the “best” model in relation to a number of
criteria or constraints prioritized. These include maximization factors like
efficiency, power, reliability, durability, quality and use. Thy cycle of decision
making is called optimization.

How to start with social media optimization:

Visitos to website such as DIGG, Stumble upon, Reddit are people who look for
news quickly, and don’t stay long. Only by giving them what they want from
more than they want will make them stop in our site and lower your bounce
rate, keep them in size using related articles and internal links. Let us have a
look on three major factors that are the basis for social media optimization.

Content is king:

Unless the entire blogosphere, regardless of country, caste or religion is aimed
at your content, social media will not be targeted. Evidence post in the social
media must be focused on relevant research and data.

Website design:

The layout of the blog or website plays an important part in reducing the rate
of your bounce and getting more voting on their pages. It will immediately
become a vote down if your blog design is irritating. Socail media crawlers
often prefer the ease of navigation and less attention.

Content navigation:

As mentioned earlier, content is a king. Quick reading plays an important part
in performance. The most powerful social media website is articles with photos,
lists, information and statistics. If you write an article , please ensure that your
reader is able to navigate the article easily.

Search Engine Marketing:

Search engine marketing is an internet marketing process that involves
promoting websites through enhanced visibility through optimization and
advertisement or search engine result pages (SERP). Search engine marketing is
usually done by search engine optimization or an online campaign.
In order to begin marketing through search engines, you should be aware of
the key parameters you will encounter during the course of engagement. The
parameter keys are as follows,
⦁ Reach
⦁ Bounce rate (BCR)
⦁ Click through rate (CTR)
⦁ Conversion rate (CVR)
⦁ Return on Investment (ROI)

Let us discuss the topic in brief to get the basic knowledge about Search Engine
Marketing. Reach :
The number of persons able to view your advertisement online is determined
for search engine marketing. This is normally shown by the number of visitors
to the search engine you want to use.

Bounce Rate:

Rate of bounce is the amount of visits to one site only before departure. In
terms of the layman, it is used to calculate the importance of the material on
the website of the user.
If user bounces on a page advertised by a, it indicates that the user is
sufficiently interested to click the ad, but when they visit your site, the data he
has seen on the advertises page is not important to him or her.
Many factors contribute to your level of bounce. For example, if there are
problems with site design or usability, visitors can leave your website from the
entry page. Instead if you can’t find out what you planned, you might also
leave the website after you visit a single page.

Click through rate:

Typically a clickthrough rate refers to the possibility of client visiting your online
program when speaking about online marketing. This is typically used by
advertising agencies as a benchmark to calculate how well a search engine
visibility or campaign receives.

Conversion rate :

The conversion rate basically shows you how many people who click on the ad
finished with a desired action or objective. It could be anything from online
purchase, a newsletter registration or even an enquiry.

Return on Investment:

Once brand start marketing to search engines , there are always costs
associated with a target. Return on layman investment aims to measure the
interest that every ringgit invested gets.

Content marketing:

The content marketing is a advertising strategy for generating, distributing and
engaging a clearly identifying audience with the goal of encouraging cost
efficient client action and providing useful , effective and reliable content.Read

Email marketing:

The development of a marketing e-mail program can be difficult for small
companies. Often they have little time to plan more than marketing or
But you will need much more to keep your subscribers interested. Ideally, your
posts are something they are looking forward to reading, and even if they
aren’t ready to buy, they keep your company in mind.
In other words, you should not always send the same messages. This guide lists
the different types of email campaigns you can send to maintain the
commitment of your subscribers and even increase sales.
There are two broad forms of e-mail marketing that you send out: commitment
e-mail and transactional. Effective marketing e-mail styles. Simply speaking,
interactive emails tell a story, whereas transactional emails are directly linked
to a purchase.
These two styles are not mutually exclusive, you will see easily from the
examples. In some instances, a commit email may have a transactional
component to it . Take this into consideration as you go through the different
email forms listed below.

Engagement mails:

The purpose of these e-mails is not specifically to be sold but more to sell and
tell stories. It is intended, even when they are not in a buying mood, to keep
subscribers engaged and active in the product. If they’re ready to buy finally or
if your company has a special offer, subscribers are already participating, even
when they have never bought an item before. With these emails you can be
more imaginative. In some instances it can be very well done to add additional
graphics and embed audio and video connections. These are the types of
commit emails that you can use:
a) Welcome emails
b) Tutorials and tips emails
c) Customer stories
d) Brand stories
e) Re-engagement mails

Transactional emails:

Just like the name of your client suggests, transactional emails are important
for your business transactions. Their goal is to initiate or close a transaction,
unlike engagement emails.
You can also give or demand customer orders notifications. This always allows
them to be activated and sent automatically by specific customer actions.
Commitment emails can also be sent in real time or on a pre-planned schedule
instead of activated automatically.

Some of the emails you can use in your campaigns are here:
a) Cart abandonment reminders
b) Time-sensitive promotions
c) Receipts- emails
d) Sales followups
e) Review requests

Thus all the above states how digital marketing plays vital role in industry. We
provide a classy service to our clients in digital marketing applying all the above
categories and we are interested to do so. As said earlier “ Marketing is no
longer about the stuff that you sell, but about the stories you tell” . 

We are here to tell your story in a productive manner.


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