Impact of e-commerce

Now e-commerce field is facing the similar challenges, but it will become
common shortly. 
 A businessman who sells cloth in retail shop may criticize and
discourage his on-line competitors by purchasing his mobile phone through
online. So, no doubts.
 The future is e-commerce and without e-commerce, there is no future.
 A businessman who is willing to sell his product or service through on-line
should start with some experiments in e-commerce.
 There are two best times to do the on-line experiments. 5 years before or now.
Anyhow the experiments have to be experienced in e-commerce and the
question is ‘when?’

E-commerce today
Today the Internet has become an unbreachable part of our lives in all facets of
our everyday lives, as it has a multifaceted effect on our social work. Going to
the bank daily to make cash transactions or to withdraw money or to buy
goods is now very difficult as there is no time, the human being is too busy with
his job. There is a thriving Internet economy. E-commerce revenues are
increasing between 20 percent to 25 percent annually, which indicates a major
change in human consumer spending. Internet for review of convenience items
and updated information on your application and specifications instead of
telephone directories or yellow pages.
A business owner simply can not trust an advertisement on the telephone book;
in fact, consumer checks the Internet 15 times more often than customers
calling a company on the phone book.
It is important to update the life of internet with respect to your business
transactions if you want to remain competitive with others. However, the
power requirement is the same for all but today. Each business is different in
terms of style, promotion and volume. In the long term, the website's net
operating costs are marginal as opposed to the return of the advertising.

The main advantage of online or online shopping is that one can never know
the characteristics of the product that is to be purchased and that you can not
compare the price, characteristics and the reviews from other consumers with
another popular brand on the market.
 The happy lifestyle of various social media platforms has a strong
 Twitter, Quicker, Snapdeal, Amazon, Pinterest, and Instagram allow
consumers to share their favorite items and collections worldwide.
 Society and groups of people or societies can therefore be connected to
exchange views and ideas.
 This enables the personal expression of shopping and causes others to
focus on their decision to buy.
 Enhanced payment online.
 Online securities were a major impediment to electronic commerce
The secure payment transactions provided to Internet users by the website,
however, are quick to resolve fears. Four categories are covered by security
functions: authentication / verification, authorization, encryption, audit, and
In India, e-commerce and online shopping are growing significantly and
dramatically, as increasing use is made of internet facilities, high education
levels, evolving lifestyles, and the country's economic growth.
Impact of e-commerce to society
The number of Internet facilities, high education levels, lifestyles and the
country economic growth are increasingly being used in India, e-commerce and
online shopping are achieving remarkable and remarkable growth. Demand for
the technologies and methods of electronic commerce.
 The flexible shopping experience and quick transactional facility growth
provide the remaining market segments with further opportunities.
 The biggest advantage of electronic shopping is the ability to protect
buying transactions over the Internet and to verify and confirm credit
card transactions almost instantly.
 This significant impact has led more customers to take advantage of
various fields of the electronic industry.
 The use of electronic commerce, in particular marketing and subsequent
sales, is also of great national variety.
 In the world of the Internet, India is now rising and is now becoming the
country with more people with knowledgeable people.
 Effect of rising macro-and micro-level openness of e-commerce at the
highest productivity.
 The digital technologies that replace traditional applications give
companies and individual consumers several opportunities.
 Customer-focused programs.
 Too quick are the goods exchanged The number of mistakes decreased.
Benefits of e-commerce
We pay low operating cost if we purchase from an online store; we have better
service quality and therefore additional costs can save us unnecessary costs.
Shipping costs are, for example, completely cancelled if our goods or services
are downloadable. More and more discounts and offers can not be stopped
with every online business, which is quite nice for customers.
Advantages of e-commerce to customers
 Provide online catalog websites the specifics of the virtual showcase.
 Reduced open rates (coupons and bids).
 Comfort and control 24 hours a day.
 The worldwide demand for drug purchases or sales.
 Providing safe purchases Compare prices more easily with other
premium brands
 Do not stay in-line or remain on-line for ever
 More choices and options for returns if time savings and quick customer
reviews are reviewed.
Advantages of e-commerce to businessmen
 B2B data exchange
 Low barriers to goods
 Providing safe business and instant transactions
 Market participants to deliver innovative products and services 24/7, 365
business days (buyer and seller)
 Expanding the scope, Primary warehouse management
 Reduction of employee expenses

Disadvantages of e-commerce for customers
 Delays in delivering goods
 Inability to detect fraud
 Non- Guarantee price
 Secret cost
 Lack of personal contact
 Fake Online.
 Inability to investigate privacy and safety in online buying

Disadvantages of e-commerce to business
 Regular upgrading of website maintenance hardware and software
 Additional costs and resources for electronic commerce systems
 Education and maintenance
 Customer loyalty
 Outstanding logistical requirements
 Security and credit card problems
E-commerce issues and challenges
 For electronic commerce, security is supposed to be a major problem.
 Everyone can easily open a website, good or bad, and there are many
bad websites whose purpose is to give money to users of cyber crime.
 Ensure sure the security certificates are reviewed before instant
transactions are made online.
 It is easy and convenient to buy, and to create the adoption of electronic
commerce, especially in the field of marketing and sales, no one requires
personal information.
 The number of literate people on the Internet worldwide is gradually
growing in India, and mobile telephones make Internet access possible
for the most part, and some of its cheapest and most simple telephones
are now providing internet access.


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